Angelina Jolie called ‘spoilt brat’ in hacked Sony emails

angelina jolie in black turtleneck sweater.
angelina jolie in black turtleneck sweater.

Angelina Jolie. Photo: Getty Images

Angelina Jolie has been described as a "spoilt brat" with a "rampaging ego" in emails between major Hollywood players released by Sony hackers.

According to The Guardian the email chain extends back to when producer Scott Rudin and Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal were working together on the Steve Jobs biopic. The studio has since pulled out, as has director David Fincher.

Scott Rudin and Amy Pascal attend the Sony Pictures Annual Golden Globe Awards Party

After Universal picked up the film, Rudin reportedly emailed Pascal saying she’d destroyed her relationship with ‘half the town’ due to how she behaved on the movie.

"You've behaved abominably and it will be a very, very long time before I forget what you did to this movie and what you've put us all through."

The emails reveal relationships became strained back in February when Angelina Jolie wanted Fincher to direct her in Cleopatra instead of the Jobs film. At this point Rudin tells Pascal to “shut Angie down”.

“There is no movie of Cleopatra to be made (and how that is a bad thing given the insanity and rampaging ego of this woman and the cost of the movie is beyond me).”

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In another email Rudin also goes on to call Jolie a “minimally talented spoiled (sic) brat who thought nothing of shoving this off her plate for eighteen months so she could go direct a movie”.

This is only the start of it however with other emails revealing which stars were put forward for roles in the Jobs film, the possibility of a Spider-Man, Captain America crossover and a conversation about Michael Fassbender's genitalia. ("Shame just makes you feel bad to have normal sized male genitalia.")

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The release of these emails is the latest move by a group of hackers who have demanded that Sony's upcoming movie 'The Interview' not be released.

Read the full emails.